Friday, September 24, 2010

Oh Lindsay, Oh Aretha

Lindsay Lohan goes back to jail today peep the story below........

                                        The actress  heads to her court hearing.

She may have been smiling going into court, but she wasn't smiling coming out.  The troubled actress was handed her sentence to day in a California court house.  Lindsay was out on parole under the terms that she is too stay sober.  Lindsay broke her parole order when she dropped dirty urine over a week ago.  Lohan is more likely to stay jailed untill October 22 when she is scheduled to appear again.  Neither Lindsay or her Attorney had anything to say.  She was taken from the court room in cuffs.  Oh lindsay!!!!! ............. More on the Franklins below........

                           Aretha Franklin

Aretha made a statement yesterday about her sons attack that took place earlier this week in Detroit.  Aretha said somebody is a liar.   I reported this story early this week and I said something ain't right with this also. Well Aretha seems to thinks so too.  Eddie who was also suspected previously of burning Aretha's Detroit home down years ago is probably up to no good in the " D".   Aretha said that Eddie was attacked and that he had undergone surgery to repair a broken jaw.  But why and where is unknown.   I say Eddie got beat up by the dope man.   Eddie's girlfriend that was with him at the time of the attack gave the authorities wrong information.  There was no gas station , and there was not three individuals.  Eddie is on the pipe!!!!!  Oh Eddie.........

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