Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh Detroit '

Aretha Franklin's son beaten in the D @ the gas station OMG! ......... Story and pic below

Aretha Franklin's Son Severely Beaten at Detroit Gas Station

Ok, I know Detroit is having it rough nowadays , but catching a beat down at the pump is repulsive !! Gas is already high , but you getting roughed up too," Where They Do That At."  The assault took place on Detroit's West side, where Eddie Franklin was encounterd by a woman and two men. It is reported that he was with a female companion at the time of the assault, but she was inside the station during the incident according to Aretha's spokesperson. Do you smell a CAT !!!!!  The story is still devleoping but Eddie was transported to a nearby hospital for emergency surgery, I hope everything worked out and he is well . Stay tuned......

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