Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Braylon Edwards "Reaching Back" As Promised....

Braylon Edwards a wide receiver in the NFL is a man that believes in "Reaching Back".....Read more below
Mr. Edwards #17 is known to be a play maker on the field with 7 touchdowns last season. Well as of today Braylon has proven himself to be a play-maker off the field by donating $1 million dollars in college tuitions to 100 high school students. See back in In 2007, when Edwards was employed by the Browns he promised 100 Cleveland high school students that he would pay for their college tuition---a total value of $1 million. Braylon who is adamant giver made good on his promise. The students selected are required to maintain a GPA of 2.5 and complete 15 hours of community service...Braylon's only personal requirement in which he quotes...."Guys, enjoy and embrace your new beginnings and remember your promise to me, to reach back & help someone else along the way." via CBS.sports.....To donate to the Braylon Edwards Foundation

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