Monday, October 18, 2010

ITYS ...... Keyshia Cole don't play

I TOLD YOU SO........Remember last month when I reported that someone was talking trash about singer Monica and her kids. Well the hater was a follower of Sandra Rose and Rose ignorantly posted the ish in on her site. I also stated that Monica blew down on the hater, in a nice way. Yeah for Monica!!  But then I went on to say that Keyshia Cole who is one of Monica's best friend would have went GANSTA on this hater about her kids!!!!  Well ITYS...... MRS. Keyshia Cole-Gibson does not play about her child and she shouldn't.........Peep what happened and what Keyshia wanted to do below, plus some other info.........GG luvs Keyshia Cole


Well what happen was Mrs. Keyshia was tweeting her congrats to her bestie Monica for getting engaged and she was sharing her thoughts about Love. When some random chic named Donesha Mcfarland who says she from Cleveland, starts talking ish about Keyshia and her LIl Daniel.... She evens pops off about her family!!!!!!  Peep the tweets below.......Oh Elite popped off on twitter too, to defend Keyshia... Frankies kids are from the Bay!!!!....... PS. Donesha posted a pic of herself but I refuse to give this unworthy hater some publicity...PS. PS...... Boobie is supposedly giving Keyshia a Bday party @Fortress, in Cleveland on October 30 .....stay tuned

Random hater tweets
@keyshiacole u should put a blanket over little boobie face like michael jackson did his baby
@keyshiacole just make sure your son gets Plastic Surgery berfore he turn 5 becase he's gonna need it..  

Elite Tweets
*Clears Throat* @donesharenae Watch How the Phuuuckk You Talk 2 My Sister and Watch What You Say About My Nephew! 1Warning! Nitey Nite ;)

1Thangs fa Sho....2Thangs fa Certain......My FAMILY May Say Mean Things 2 and About Each Otha....But When Needed......WE RIDE!

@donesharenae ... r u serious. ?

Folks say things about my baby it hurts. I used to the hate but I brought him into this world and he shouldn't be subject to any of it.

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