Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Updates galore...... Eddie Franklin, Kenny Mckinley

This has been a heck of a Tuesday, and Wednesday is probably gonna be something too.  I try to keep things positive around here @GG but that is hard to do in a not so positive world. People may like to make jokes out of other peoples misfortunes, but this bishop thing is not funny at all.  Peep the story about Bishop and click the highlights to view the updates below......

The Eddie Long scandal has been a buzz since 8 pm and I just hope all is good and that he is innocent because if not,  this will be very detrimental to the Black community as well as the church. Read the story plus the court documents@ Eddie Long.  Also CNN has their version too read @ CNN

Aretha Franklin son flees the hospital.  I told you I smell a cat, read the story @ Eddie Franklin

Mike Vick will be the Eagles starting QB, but some people don't like it.  Read this @ Mike Vick

Denver Broncos McKinley who committed suicide was depressed more on his fatal condition @ Mckinley

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