Wednesday, September 22, 2010

50 is foolish.......

Rapper 50 cent is a fool.  I am not sure what has happened in his life, or if he really wants to become a comedian but 50 is not well.  50 who hasn't made a hit in sometime is doing all and everything to market himself.  This fool has a tea cup dog name Oprah Winfrey which he opened a twitter account for.  50 opened the account yesterday and already Oprah the dog has 8000 followers. 50 who already talks a lot of ish on his twitter, has just taken his twitter foolishness to another level. Please someone make him a hit song!!!   Peep the pics and the link below to see for yourself.  Censory is advised......... This N*&&@  is Crazy !!!
Click this link to view @ Oprah the Dog
or visit 50 cents twitter @ 50 cent

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