Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oh Fannie / Fantasia Barrino Edition

Fantasia went before a Judge and met face to face with her accuser, Antwaun Cook's ex-wife on Monday.......Peep what Fantasia said below........Plus video
The defendant and plaintiff met up to discuss the possibility of a pay out that the Ex-wife may be entitled to under the North Carolina laws. Well, after all of this denying of knowing and not knowing fantasia admits that she was aware that Antwaun indeed had a wife, and a one point of time she was pregnant by the cheater. Fantasia goes on further and confessed that because of all of the media ish, she decided to terminate the pregnancy. Oh Fantasia , first you tried to kill yourself and now you killing babies...Whoa!!!!....What are the saints gonna think? Plus didn't I just see you jumping around on BET Gospesl Celebration singing " If the Lord never does anything else for you".......Girl bye!!!!!! Peep the video below of fantasia's claims below...


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